Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Mod Podge Rocks

On the 15th I showed you how you can use Elmer's Glue and food coloring to stain glass jars.  Well I wasn't really impressed with the results, so I decided to go head and buy some Mod Podge (craft glue) and try it again. The results were amazing! See for yourself.

 I just eyeballed the amount of Mod Podge.  The amount I put in was enough to coat 2 mason jars

Add 2 drops of blue, 1 drop of green

Then, mix the glue and food coloring until the color is blended
Next, coat the inside by moving the jar.

*Place upside down on a cookie sheet and place in the oven for 20min at 120 degrees.

*This help get all the extra glue out of the jars.  Move jars every 5 mins, so there is not a thick ring of glue when they are done

*After 20 mins, turn the jars right side up and put back in the oven for another 20 mins or until jars are transparent again.

Once they are done, this is what you get.
Enjoy :)



I love your Mason Jars, Emily! Mod Podge has added a lot of new types since the gloss only kind. They have an outdoor one and a marine one that are okay to use outside and can get wet! I found Mason Jar patterns that have orange tissue decoupaged on with black pumpkin faces. I want to try that for the front steps this Halloween.

Mama Cass

I was looking to stain my glass for a soap despenser, any ideas on what to do for that? I tried putting soap in one of the jars i made mode podge. When put the soap in it just pulled the color right of.

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